Image Needed.
Creator Name
Jack Abel
Date of Birth
July 15, 1927
Date of Passing
March 6, 1996
Swipe for more
Issue Cover Date
  cover The Enemies Below
pencils guess
Fightin' Navy 100 September 1961
  cover The Making of a Man
pencils attributed
Fightin' Army 43 October 1961
  cover The Betrayal
pencils guess
Submarine Attack 30 October 1961
  cover The Betrayal
inks attributed
Submarine Attack 30 October 1961
  cover A Medic Named Smith
pencils and inks guess
Fightin' Marines 44 November 1961
  cover Wait It Out!
pencils attributed
Fightin' Army 45 March 1962
  cover Wait It Out!
inks guess
Fightin' Army 45 March 1962
  cover The Foreign Devils
pencils and inks unsigned
Fightin' Marines 47 June 1962
pencils and inks attributed
Fightin' Navy 104 June 1962
  cover Enemy Near Our Shore
pencils guess
Submarine Attack 34 July 1962
  cover The Peace Ambassadors
Double Trap
Lanson's Scow

pencils guess
Fightin' Navy 105 August 1962
  cover The Peace Ambassadors
Double Trap
Lanson's Scow

inks attributed
Fightin' Navy 105 August 1962
  cover The Bridge
The Last Man
The Terrorists
A Man Returns

pencils and inks attributed
Fightin' Army 50 January 1963
  cover First Mission
pencils and inks guess
Fightin' Air Force 36 January 1963
  cover Hitler's Private Paradise
pencils attributed
Fightin' Army 51 March 1963
  cover Hitler's Private Paradise
inks guess
Fightin' Army 51 March 1963
  cover The Tears of Springtime
pencils and inks attributed
Love and Romance 9 December 1972
  cover Sewer Patrol
pencils and inks unsigned
Ghostly Haunts 31 April 1973
pencils and inks attributed
For Lovers Only 76 November 1974
pencils and inks attributed
Love Diary 91 January 1975
pencils and inks attributed
Love and Romance 23 July 1975
pencils and inks unsigned
Secret Romance 33 July 1975
pencils and inks attributed
Secret Romance 34 September 1975
pencils and inks attributed
Just Married 110 April 1976
pencils and inks attributed
Fightin' Army 132 April 1978
  cover Lure of the Swamp
pencils and inks attributed
Haunted 40 February 1979